Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My Shepherd

THE  Lord's  my  Shepherd;  oh,  the  bliss  of  resting
Within  the  care  of  One,  who  loves  so  well ;
Who  knows  each  pathway,  understands  each  danger,
Whose  tenderness  no  tongue  can  tell.

I  shall  not  want;  for  He,  I know,  will  give  me
From  day  to  day  the  very  help  I  need;
The  strength  for  working  in  life's  busy  places,
Or  grace  for  resting  on  its  daisied  mead.

He  maketh  me  to  lie  down  when  I  am  weary,
For  well  He  knoweth  when  the  way  is  rough,
And  so  He  says  to  me  with  loving  firmness—
" Be  still,  my  child,  for  thou  hast  toiled  enough."

And  then  He  cometh  Himself,  and  watches  o'er  me,
To  aid  my  weakness  by  His  perfect  strength ;
Until  I  almost  love  the  forced  seclusion,
And  learn  to  thank  Him  for  His  rest  at  length.

His  lovingkindness  far  surpasseth  language;
For  when  I  rise  again  to  journey  on,
He  leadeth  me  in  scenes  of  richest  beauty,
And  never  lets  me  walk  one  step  alone.

Eestored I  He  leadeth  up  some  glorious  mountain,
And  if  I  wander  from  His  side,
He  findeth  me;  and  I  just  learn,  that  safety
Belongs  to  those  who  in  His  care  abide.

And  so  we  journey  on;  the  paths  He  chooses
Are  often  not  what  I  should  think  the  best;
But  then,  He  knows  the  way,  and  loves  me  dearly,
So  in  that  knowledge  I  have  perfect  rest.

Yes,  even  when  I  pass  right  through  the  valley
All  dark  with  death's  grim  shadows  crowding  near,
His  rod  and  staff  give  then  the  needed  comfort,
Whilst  He  is  with  me  to  support  and  cheer.

And  when  fierce  foes  arise  to  stay  my  progress
He  nerves  my  arm,  and  cheers  me  for  the  fight,
What  can  I  therefore  do,  but  conquer  grandly,
And  thank  Him  for  the  way  He  kept  me  right.

My  cup  of  mercy  then  is  running  over,
And  I  am  rich,  possessing  such  a  friend  ;
Whose  arm  doth  never  fail;  who  changeth  never;
Who  loving  once,  will  love  until  the  end.

So  thus  the  hours  pass  by,  and  I  am  singing
Of  mercy  and  of  goodness  all  the  way,
For  well  I  know,  my  Saviour  wili  not  leave  me,
But  guide  me  safely  onward,  day  by  day,

Until  I  reach  the  Father's  house  in  glory,
Where  He  stands  waiting  at  the  open  door,
With  arms  outstretched  to  give  me  warmest  welcome
And  bid  me  dwell  with  Him  for  evermore.


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